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16 Jul, 2020
Careers in Business: Why MBA?

Careers in Business: Why MBA?


The AVU Faculty Experts Webinar Series returns with members of the AVU faculty committee for an interactive overview of the online MBA Program.

Join us on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 10 am (Pacific Time) for a one-hour live free webinar to learn about the Online MBA Program and how it can help you advance your career in business. AVU faculty of business administration discusses how the skills and networks developed during graduate school provide unique opportunities for business professionals.

In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • MBA curriculum
  • Career opportunities
  • Is the degree worth my money?

Reservation deadline is Monday, July 13, 2020. Everyone is welcome! While attending this webinar is FREE, reservations are required.

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Meet the expert:

Phillip DiCenso is American Vision University Managerial Economics instructor.  Professor DiCenso graduated from Wayne State University’s MBA program with concentrations in Information Systems Management and Global Supply Chain Management. The program included a semester abroad at Wuhan University in China, studying Strategic Procurement.

Phill now works as an IT Program Manager at Ford Motor Company, leading initiatives that focus on employee productivity and collaboration. He attributes his MBA program to an array of applicable skills for his career; including supplier relations, accounting and finance, and team development.


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